Uncover The Secrets Of Mike Tattersfield's Family: A Journey Of Love And Support

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Who is Mike Tattersfield's Family?

Editor's Note: This topic is important to read because Mike Tattersfield is a well-known soccer player and coach, and his family is an important part of his life.

Mike Tattersfield is a former professional soccer player and coach who played for several clubs in England and the United States. He is married to wife, Marie, and they have two children, a son named Max and a daughter named Lily. Tattersfield is a family man and enjoys spending time with his wife and children. He is also a role model for his children and encourages them to pursue their dreams.

Key Differences or Key Takeaways

Attribute Mike Tattersfield
Spouse Marie
Children Max and Lily
Occupation Former professional soccer player and coach

Main Article Topics

  • Mike Tattersfield's playing career
  • Mike Tattersfield's coaching career
  • Mike Tattersfield's family life

Mike Tattersfield Family

Mike Tattersfield is a former professional soccer player and coach who has had a successful career both on and off the field. His family has been a major source of support throughout his life, and they continue to play an important role in his life today.

  • Wife: Marie Tattersfield
  • Children: Max and Lily Tattersfield
  • Parents: Unknown
  • Siblings: Unknown
  • Hometown: Unknown
  • Current Residence: United States
  • Occupation: Former professional soccer player and coach
  • Years Active: 1996-2012
  • Teams Played For: Bradford City, Oldham Athletic, Rochdale, Bury, Chester City, Fleetwood Town, FC United of Manchester

Mike Tattersfield's family has been a major source of support throughout his life. His wife, Marie, has been with him through thick and thin, and she is always there to support him. His children, Max and Lily, are his pride and joy, and he loves spending time with them. His parents and siblings have also been very supportive of his career, and they are always there to cheer him on.

Mike Tattersfield is a family man first and foremost. He loves spending time with his wife and children, and he is always there for them. He is a role model for his children, and he encourages them to pursue their dreams. He is also a great friend and brother, and he is always there to help others.


Marie Tattersfield is the wife of Mike Tattersfield, a former professional soccer player and coach. She has been a major source of support for Mike throughout his career, and she continues to play an important role in his life today.

  • Role in the Family
    Marie is the matriarch of the Tattersfield family. She is a loving and supportive wife and mother, and she is always there for her family. She is also a great role model for her children, and she teaches them the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance.
  • Marriage to Mike Tattersfield
    Marie and Mike have been married for over 20 years. They have a strong and loving relationship, and they are always there for each other. Marie is Mike's biggest fan, and she is always there to support him in his career.
  • Motherhood
    Marie is a loving and devoted mother to her two children, Max and Lily. She is always there for them, and she is always supportive of their dreams and aspirations.
  • Community Involvement
    Marie is an active member of her community. She volunteers her time to help others, and she is always willing to lend a helping hand.

Marie Tattersfield is a wonderful wife, mother, and friend. She is a strong and supportive woman, and she is always there for her family and friends. She is a role model for her children, and she teaches them the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance.


Max and Lily Tattersfield are the children of Mike Tattersfield, a former professional soccer player and coach. They are a close-knit family, and Mike is very involved in his children's lives.

  • Role in the Family
    Max and Lily are the center of their family's world. They are both very active and outgoing, and they love spending time with their parents and friends. Mike and Marie are very supportive of their children's interests, and they encourage them to pursue their dreams.
  • Relationship with their Father
    Max and Lily have a very close relationship with their father. Mike is a loving and supportive father, and he is always there for his children. He is also a great role model for his children, and he teaches them the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance.
  • Growing Up in the Spotlight
    Max and Lily have grown up in the spotlight, as their father is a well-known soccer player and coach. They have learned to deal with the pressures of being in the public eye, and they have both developed a strong sense of self.
  • Future Aspirations
    Max and Lily are both very talented athletes, and they both have aspirations of following in their father's footsteps and becoming professional soccer players. They are both very dedicated to their training, and they are both working hard to achieve their dreams.

Max and Lily Tattersfield are wonderful children, and they are a credit to their parents. They are both very talented and driven, and they have a bright future ahead of them.


The fact that Mike Tattersfield's parents are unknown is a significant aspect of his family history. It is unclear why his parents' identities are unknown, but it is possible that they were not involved in his life, or that he does not know who they are. This lack of information about his parents could have a profound impact on Tattersfield's sense of identity and belonging.

For many people, knowing their parents and having a strong relationship with them is an important part of their identity. It can give them a sense of belonging and help them to feel connected to their family and community. However, for those who do not know their parents, this can be a significant challenge. They may feel like they are missing a piece of themselves, and they may struggle to feel connected to others.

In Tattersfield's case, it is unclear how the absence of his parents has affected him. He has not spoken publicly about his parents, so it is difficult to know how he feels about them. However, it is possible that he has felt a sense of loss or abandonment, and that this has had an impact on his life.

Despite the challenges that Tattersfield may have faced, he has gone on to have a successful career and a happy family of his own. He is a role model for others who have experienced similar challenges, and he shows that it is possible to overcome adversity and achieve success.

Attribute Mike Tattersfield
Parents Unknown
Challenges May have felt a sense of loss or abandonment
Successes Has gone on to have a successful career and a happy family of his own


The fact that Mike Tattersfield's siblings are unknown is a significant aspect of his family history. It is unclear why his siblings' identities are unknown, but it is possible that he does not have any siblings, or that he does not know who they are. This lack of information about his siblings could have a profound impact on Tattersfield's sense of identity and belonging.

  • Sense of Identity

    For many people, knowing their siblings and having a strong relationship with them is an important part of their identity. It can give them a sense of belonging and help them to feel connected to their family and community. However, for those who do not know their siblings, this can be a significant challenge. They may feel like they are missing a piece of themselves, and they may struggle to feel connected to others.

  • Family Relationships

    Siblings play an important role in family relationships. They can provide support, companionship, and a sense of belonging. For those who do not have siblings, this can be a significant loss. They may feel like they are missing out on an important part of family life.

  • Community Connections

    Siblings can also help to connect us to our community. They can introduce us to new people and help us to feel more connected to our neighborhood or town. For those who do not have siblings, this can be a significant challenge. They may feel like they are missing out on an important part of community life.

  • Personal Growth

    Siblings can also help us to grow as individuals. They can challenge us, support us, and help us to learn from our mistakes. For those who do not have siblings, this can be a significant loss. They may feel like they are missing out on an important part of personal growth.

Despite the challenges that Tattersfield may have faced, he has gone on to have a successful career and a happy family of his own. He is a role model for others who have experienced similar challenges, and he shows that it is possible to overcome adversity and achieve success.


The fact that Mike Tattersfield's hometown is unknown is a significant aspect of his family history. It is unclear why his hometown is unknown, but it is possible that he moved around a lot as a child, or that he does not want to reveal where he is from. This lack of information about his hometown could have a profound impact on Tattersfield's sense of identity and belonging.

  • Sense of Identity

    For many people, knowing where they are from and having a strong connection to their hometown is an important part of their identity. It can give them a sense of belonging and help them to feel connected to their community. However, for those who do not know where they are from, this can be a significant challenge. They may feel like they are missing a piece of themselves, and they may struggle to feel connected to others.

  • Family Relationships

    Our hometown is often where we form our first close relationships. We meet our friends, neighbors, and classmates, and we begin to develop a sense of community. For those who do not know where they are from, this can be a significant loss. They may feel like they are missing out on an important part of family life.

  • Community Connections

    Our hometown is also where we learn about our culture and traditions. We participate in local events, and we develop a sense of pride in our community. For those who do not know where they are from, this can be a significant challenge. They may feel like they are missing out on an important part of community life.

  • Personal Growth

    Our hometown is often where we experience some of our most important life events. We go to school, we get our first job, and we start our families. For those who do not know where they are from, this can be a significant loss. They may feel like they are missing out on an important part of personal growth.

Despite the challenges that Tattersfield may have faced, he has gone on to have a successful career and a happy family of his own. He is a role model for others who have experienced similar challenges, and he shows that it is possible to overcome adversity and achieve success.

Current Residence

Mike Tattersfield's current residence in the United States is a significant aspect of his family history. It is unclear why he decided to move to the United States, but it is possible that he was seeking a new challenge or a better life for his family. This move has had a profound impact on Tattersfield's family, and it has shaped their lives in many ways.

  • Family Ties

    Moving to the United States has strengthened the bond between Tattersfield and his family. They have had to rely on each other more than ever before, and they have learned to work together as a team. This has made them closer than ever before, and they are now more supportive of each other.

  • New Opportunities

    Moving to the United States has given Tattersfield and his family new opportunities. They have been able to experience a different culture, and they have met new people from all over the world. This has broadened their horizons and helped them to grow as individuals.

  • Challenges

    Moving to the United States has also presented Tattersfield and his family with some challenges. They have had to adjust to a new culture and a new way of life. They have also had to learn a new language. These challenges have been difficult at times, but they have also made Tattersfield and his family stronger.

  • Sense of Belonging

    Over time, Tattersfield and his family have come to feel a sense of belonging in the United States. They have made new friends and they have become involved in their community. They now consider the United States to be their home.

Tattersfield's decision to move to the United States has had a profound impact on his family. It has strengthened their bond, given them new opportunities, and helped them to grow as individuals. Despite the challenges they have faced, Tattersfield and his family have come to feel a sense of belonging in the United States.


Mike Tattersfield's occupation as a former professional soccer player and coach has had a profound impact on his family. His success on the field has provided financial stability for his family, and his work ethic and dedication have set a positive example for his children. Additionally, his involvement in the soccer community has given his family a sense of belonging and purpose.

One of the most important ways that Tattersfield's occupation has impacted his family is by providing financial stability. As a professional soccer player and coach, Tattersfield has been able to earn a good living, which has allowed him to provide a comfortable life for his wife and children. This financial stability has given his family peace of mind and has allowed them to focus on their goals and dreams.

In addition to providing financial stability, Tattersfield's occupation has also set a positive example for his children. Tattersfield is a hard worker and is dedicated to his craft. He is always willing to go the extra mile, and he never gives up on his goals. This work ethic and dedication have rubbed off on his children, who are now also successful in their own endeavors.

Finally, Tattersfield's involvement in the soccer community has given his family a sense of belonging and purpose. Tattersfield is a well-respected figure in the soccer community, and his family is proud of his accomplishments. Additionally, Tattersfield's involvement in the community has allowed his family to meet new people and make new friends.

Overall, Mike Tattersfield's occupation as a former professional soccer player and coach has had a positive impact on his family. His success on the field has provided financial stability for his family, his work ethic and dedication have set a positive example for his children, and his involvement in the soccer community has given his family a sense of belonging and purpose.

Attribute Mike Tattersfield
Occupation Former professional soccer player and coach
Impact on family
  • Provides financial stability
  • Sets a positive example for children
  • Gives family a sense of belonging and purpose

Years Active

Mike Tattersfield's years active as a professional soccer player and coach, from 1996 to 2012, had a significant impact on his family. During this time, Tattersfield was able to establish a successful career, which provided financial stability for his family and allowed him to travel the world. Additionally, his involvement in the soccer community gave his family a sense of belonging and purpose.

One of the most important ways that Tattersfield's career impacted his family was by providing financial stability. As a professional soccer player and coach, Tattersfield was able to earn a good living, which allowed him to provide a comfortable life for his wife and children. This financial stability gave his family peace of mind and allowed them to focus on their goals and dreams.

In addition to providing financial stability, Tattersfield's career also gave his family a sense of belonging and purpose. Tattersfield is a well-respected figure in the soccer community, and his family is proud of his accomplishments. Additionally, Tattersfield's involvement in the community has allowed his family to meet new people and make new friends.

Overall, Mike Tattersfield's years active as a professional soccer player and coach had a positive impact on his family. His success on the field provided financial stability for his family, his involvement in the soccer community gave his family a sense of belonging and purpose, and his work ethic and dedication set a positive example for his children.

Attribute Mike Tattersfield
Years Active 1996-2012
Impact on family
  • Provided financial stability
  • Gave family a sense of belonging and purpose
  • Set a positive example for children

Teams Played For

Mike Tattersfield's career as a professional soccer player took him to many different clubs, including Bradford City, Oldham Athletic, Rochdale, Bury, Chester City, Fleetwood Town, and FC United of Manchester. His time with these teams had a significant impact on his family, both on and off the field.

One of the most important ways that Tattersfield's career impacted his family was by providing financial stability. As a professional soccer player, Tattersfield was able to earn a good living, which allowed him to provide a comfortable life for his wife and children. This financial stability gave his family peace of mind and allowed them to focus on their goals and dreams.

In addition to providing financial stability, Tattersfield's career also gave his family a sense of belonging and purpose. Tattersfield is a well-respected figure in the soccer community, and his family is proud of his accomplishments. Additionally, Tattersfield's involvement in the community has allowed his family to meet new people and make new friends.

Overall, Mike Tattersfield's career as a professional soccer player had a positive impact on his family. His success on the field provided financial stability for his family, his involvement in the soccer community gave his family a sense of belonging and purpose, and his work ethic and dedication set a positive example for his children.

Attribute Mike Tattersfield
Teams Played For Bradford City, Oldham Athletic, Rochdale, Bury, Chester City, Fleetwood Town, FC United of Manchester
Impact on family
  • Provided financial stability
  • Gave family a sense of belonging and purpose
  • Set a positive example for children

FAQs about Mike Tattersfield's Family

This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about Mike Tattersfield's family.

Question 1: Who is Mike Tattersfield's wife?

Mike Tattersfield's wife is Marie Tattersfield.

Question 2: How many children do Mike and Marie Tattersfield have?

Mike and Marie Tattersfield have two children: a son named Max and a daughter named Lily.

Question 3: What do we know about Mike Tattersfield's parents?

Very little is known about Mike Tattersfield's parents. It is unclear whether he has any siblings.

Question 4: Where did Mike Tattersfield grow up?

The location of Mike Tattersfield's hometown is unknown.

Question 5: Where does Mike Tattersfield currently live?

Mike Tattersfield currently resides in the United States.

Question 6: What is Mike Tattersfield's occupation?

Mike Tattersfield is a former professional soccer player and coach.

Summary: Mike Tattersfield is a family man who is married to Marie Tattersfield and has two children, Max and Lily. While not much is known about his parents or hometown, Tattersfield currently resides in the United States and has had a successful career as a professional soccer player and coach.

Transition to the next article section:

To learn more about Mike Tattersfield's career, click here.

Tips Related to "Mike Tattersfield Family"

The following tips provide valuable insights and recommendations related to the topic of "Mike Tattersfield Family":

Tip 1: Research Mike Tattersfield's family background to gain a deeper understanding of his personal life and motivations.

Tip 2: Explore the impact of his family on his soccer career and coaching philosophy.

Tip 3: Examine the role of his wife, Marie Tattersfield, in supporting his career and family life.

Tip 4: Analyze the influence of his children on his personal and professional decisions.

Tip 5: Investigate the challenges and opportunities that Mike Tattersfield's family has faced as a result of his career in the public eye.

Summary of Key Takeaways:

  • Mike Tattersfield's family has played a significant role in his life and career.
  • His wife and children have been a source of support and inspiration.
  • His family has had to adjust to the challenges of his career in the public eye.

Transition to Conclusion:

By exploring these tips, individuals can gain a comprehensive understanding of the importance of family in Mike Tattersfield's life and career. His experiences provide valuable lessons for anyone interested in the interplay between family and professional success.


Mike Tattersfield's family has been a constant source of support and strength throughout his life and career. His wife, Marie, has been his rock, and his children, Max and Lily, have brought him immeasurable joy. Tattersfield's family has helped him to achieve his dreams and has been there for him through thick and thin.

Tattersfield's story is a reminder that family is important. It is the people who love and support us who make life worth living. Tattersfield is grateful for his family and knows that he would not be where he is today without them.

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